Precautions: Corona Virus
Fantoni Driving School has been advised by the Driving Instructor Association to ask current students to inform me if they have recently travelled to any areas affected by an outbreak of coronavirus. These areas include North Italy. I know some schools travelled there...
Are you a nervous driver?
Nervous Driver? Driving, “nerves” are common amongst new, and even experienced drivers. I have experienced them first hand and I have also been “therapist” to other nervous drivers! A nervous driver may have symptoms that may include things like...
How many driving lessons will it take?
This is a question I am asked regularly. This article might help you to decide how many lessons you might need. A few of the current national stats might also shed some light on the issue for you. The number of hours needed to pass the U.K. driving test can depend on...
Driving test tip of the day!
Get to know your test routes! It’s impossible to know where you will be directed on the day or what traffic or hazards you’ll face along the way. However, once you’ve selected your test centre, you can always get to know the area and test routes beforehand. Remember...
Fast Pass Success!
Well done Euan on passing 1st time on our week "Fast Pass" course. Here's what he had to say...
Grade “A” For Fantoni Driving School
Recently, Head Instructor at Fantoni Driving School Dan Fantoni was awarded an A grade for his Lessons by the Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency. This is the best possible Grade for a driving instructor in the UK. It is only awarded to driving Instructors who...